Please contribute to our art installation in conjunction with our show "Common Threads, All Things Connected" by sending a few words, images , or small objects related to the theme "what is your connection to Chicago?" We will print these on transparent acrylic skins, and combine them with telephone wire, plastic tubing, rigid clear plastic and glass tubes, paper strips containing strips(like Buddhist prayer slips). . . and suspend them in the air with dramatic lighting (the contributions made by electronic media) or place them on more visceral rocks, sticks and branches(snail mail and physical contributions).
Electronic contributions:
Mail to: J. Roth(CWCA), 1801 W. Larchmont Ave., #410, Chicago, IL 60613 (To be received by September 28, 2009)
The installation will be documented on:http/
The show will be held at: St. Paul's Cultural Center, 2215 W. North Ave., Chicago, Il, October 2nd-31st, artist's reception Oct. 17, 4-6